Saturday, March 29, 2014

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords Deck 2 - The Skinsaw Murders Adventure Deck Review

I love everything about this card game, except solo play. The game strategy for large player games is very different compaired to low player games, and is constantely changing. Having Expansions that add new effects and cards is always great.

Nice 2nd Pack to delve into. The difficulty is really quite low and feels much the same as the base game and 1st pack. But for such an amazing game and while still learning the finer points of the 'dungeon crawl', a good entry.

A great expansion to the already fun Pathfinders RPG cardgame. Bought as a gift and already played through most of it with the recipient. Will continue to buy future expansions (as well as the base set for myself) and recommend them for anyone who enjoys the game.

Buy Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords Deck 2 - The Skinsaw Murders Adventure Deck Online

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